Okay, so I finally finished the entire A Dance of Dragons book series, and these will be my final thoughts on it. Make sure to check out the first part of my review , where I also explain why I split the review in two parts in the first place. The best part about reading a series, is when you get to come back to your favourite world, to the characters you've got to know and - in most cases - like. It also means you don't have to make an extra effort to get used to the writing style of the author, or learn the characters' names. It's a lazy book reader's dream. Seriously, finding myself back in the fictional Universe that I enjoy always has me like, Before I get on with the review, I should list all the books in the series in the correct order, so we all now what the hell I'm talking about. The Golden Cage (#0.5) The Shadow Soul (#1) The Silver Key (#1.5) The Spirit Heir (#2) The Bronze Knight (#2.5) The Pheonix Born (#3) The