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Ten Things in Life I'm Thankful For

Want to participate in Top Ten Tuesday? Go to The Broke and the Bookish

1. My family

I couldn't ask for a more supportive and loving family, and I know they feel the same way about me, even though having me as a daughter and a sister can be trying sometimes. They respect me and support my every endeavour.

2. My Health

Having recovered from a pretty violent flu, I am once again reminded of the fact that being and staying healthy is the most important thing of all. I'm also thankful to be living in a country that has free health care.  

3. I'm thankful for the fact that I can read and write

I know, that one needs clarification. To so many of us, being able to read and write is as natural as breathing and eating. But there are a lot of people out there, in the world, who don't get the chance to receive even the most basic education. Therefore I'm thankful for the education I have been given.

4. All of you guys

Guys and girls who visit my blog. I started this blog mostly to satisfy my own book addiction, and if in the process I can make someone laugh or give reading tips, then I'm thankful for it.  

It's so much fun to check my statistics, because then I can see what countries all of you are from. I'm happy to live in a day and age when I can get connected with someone who lives in another hemisphere.

5. New Girl (the TV-show)

I got into knitting after watching New Girl. I learned some basic knitting in school some twenty years ago, and then I forgot all about it. But seeing Zooey Deschanel's character knit and crochet has triggered some distant memory of me knitting and actually enjoying it. I've been knitting for about four months now. So, thanks to a television show I've found something I'm good at.  

6. My profession

After having graduated from college with a degree in social work, I closed that chapter of my life forever. I never worked in the field. Sometimes I think those three years have been the biggest mistake of my life. And that may very well be true. However, I'm tankful for the experience and for the knowledge they have given me. I have a better understanding of the society and the Swedish judicial system, as well as a deeper understanding of psychology and the human mind.

7. My students

All the noisy, hyperactive thirteen-year-olds who try my patience every Wednesday when I volunteer as a tutor. I've never been on the grown-up side of the classroom before, and it's a very interesting experience. The children see you as their teacher, they look up to you and listen to you. 

If that's not rewarding, I don't know what is.  

8. And as a follow-up, I'm also thankful for the non-profit organisation that makes this whole tutoring enterprise possible. It's called Drivkraft, which is Swedish for "Driving Force", and they do an amazing job.

9.  Cats

Allergy forbids me from getting one, but I still can get plenty of cat-related joy thanks to Youtube. Thank you, felines, for reducing our stress and increasing our levels of endorphine!

10.  NaNoWriMo

It's such a great kickstarter for authors, and a good learning experience. I may not have a finished novel by the end of the month, but I'll have over forty thousand words to work with in the following months.  

What are you thankful for this year? Let me know in the comment section. And happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends.


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