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Movie Review: Deadpool

I'm going to keep this review short and sweet. I saw Deadpool last night, and it was great.

Deadpool has great reviews, but when I went to see it, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know much about the character, other than the most basic stuff. Ryan Reynolds I knew from the awkward romantic comedies and the early guest appearances in two of my favourite TV-shows: X-files and Scrubs.

The first thing I should mention is that the atmosphere in the theatre was great and warm. There were mostly young people there (no children, though, for obvious reasons), and everybody was laughing their behinds off (especially during that IKEA-scene). I'm guessing that most people in the audience were aware of what kind of movie they were going to see and that they got exactly what they wanted. There wasn't anyone texting or talking during the movie, which I was very grateful for.

I liked this movie. A lot. Can't say that it was a spectacular mind-blowing experience, but this movie isn't trying to be the next Gone with the Wind, or something. Deadpool is a dirty, violent, sexy and very funny movie about a charismatic jerk who's out to take down the people who wronged him.

But Deadpool does have its emotional moments. Wilson's motivations for doing things that he does is love. And it's one of the better love stories I have seen and/or read about in a while. There are also moments when Wilson really shows his vulnerable human side which, of course, only adds to his character.

And Reynolds is just the man to portray this kind of character. He's funny when he needs to be funny, and he's sweet when he needs to be sweet.

The best part of the movie is humour. It's very self-referential. The movie pokes fun at itself from beginning to the end. There are hundreds of pop culture references, and fourth wall breaks that had me laughing. Even the sex scenes are funny.

And a few words need to be said about the action. It's a very fast-paced movie with great action sequences. They're fast, they're violent and very well-directed.

I didn't watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where Reynolds portrayed Deadpool for the first time, but I read that the fans were very unhappy with the treatment the character got in that film. And that Reynolds, being a fan of Deadpool, produced this new movie himself, to make sure everything was done right. Well, good job, Reynolds, because this movie is really great. And that's coming from someone who isn't a die hard Deadpool fan.

Another thing that I'm very grateful for is that Deadpool is not in 3D. I don't mind 3D when it's done well and when it adds to the movie (like in The Martian), but I was so happy that I didn't have to put on those glasses when the movie started.

I gave this movie 8 stars out of 10 on IMDB. If you haven't seen this film yet, by all means, do. You won't regret it.

And there's a post-credits scene that's also pretty funny.


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